Monday, August 20, 2012

Chocolate Mousse - Nailed It!

Hey there!

Sorry it's been a while, things have been crazy. Austin and I FINALLY managed to be in the same town at the same time for the first time this summer, although he's gone again now  We made the most of our 3 days together, though.
Roses Austin brought me...awwww :]
We had a date night (he took me out to this REALLY nice restaurant.. And brought me roses!), watched a meteor shower, and cooked dinner (chicken cordon Bleu... The recipe said it should take 30 minutes to make, it took us about an hour and a half.. Whoops. Guess we should work on our cooking skills). Because I knew dinner would probably take longer than we expected, I made dessert the day before.

Mini Chocolate Mousse Pies - Nailed It!

Austin  with his mini pie :]
I've tried this recipe (Laura's Chocolate Pie... Well that's what we call it.. Its real name is French Chocolate Pie) before in a normal sized pie, but I could never quite get it to set up right. It's always delicious, but I always end up having to scoop it out of the pie crust with a spoon (don't get me wrong, I still eat it :p). So this time I decided to make mini pie crusts and keep the mousse in a piping (ziploc) bag and pipe the mousse-filling into them right before we were ready for them. The mousse set beautifully, and was the perfect consistency for piping into the mini crusts.

This is Laura's picture, but mine looked about the same :p
I'll get better at remembering to take pictures of my stuff, I promise
I remembered to take a picture halfway through... That counts, right? 

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